The Magickal Properties of Chamomile

Chamomile is an ancient herb that was widely used by the early Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and it’s still as popular as ever. There’s evidence that it was also used for its healing properties in Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Celtic societies.. It was viewed as a sacred herb because it was mixed into embalming fluids and used to wash bodies before burial due to its scent and antibacterial properties. When pressed, chamomile releases a strong, fragrant, and unmistakable scent that’s long-lasting. Throughout the Middle Ages, it was gathered in huge bunches and strewn on the floors of homes and public places. Walking over the plants served as an air freshener. It was often stuffed into, or under, mattresses and pillows and other bedding to refresh them. Chamomile was also planted around households for its scent. In addition, it was believed to promote the growth of other plants in the vicinity.