The Power of Indigo

There’s much speculation about the color indigo. Some say it’s a combination of purple and blue, others claim it leans towards blue, and others see it as more purple. Most will tell you it’s situated between blue and purple on the color wheel. The truth is that indigo doesn’t feature on the color wheel.

The Magickal Properties of Chamomile

Chamomile is an ancient herb that was widely used by the early Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and it’s still as popular as ever. There’s evidence that it was also used for its healing properties in Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Celtic societies.. It was viewed as a sacred herb because it was mixed into embalming fluids and used to wash bodies before burial due to its scent and antibacterial properties. When pressed, chamomile releases a strong, fragrant, and unmistakable scent that’s long-lasting. Throughout the Middle Ages, it was gathered in huge bunches and strewn on the floors of homes and public places. Walking over the plants served as an air freshener. It was often stuffed into, or under, mattresses and pillows and other bedding to refresh them. Chamomile was also planted around households for its scent. In addition, it was believed to promote the growth of other plants in the vicinity.

Conjuring Peaceful and Healing Energies

In a world of so much insecurity, loss, and confusion, one thing we need more of is love and kindness towards each other. That can be challenging when we’re witnessing pain, stress, and suffering and hearing about so much negativity. Human beings don’t like change! We’re hardwired that way as part of our primitive survival instincts. In ancient times when people survived hand to mouth, even the slightest change in the environment could mean impending death at worst and substantial suffering at best. Instinctively we view change as a threat to our survival.

Creating a Crystal Grid for Yule

Yule is a time when new life begins to manifest, but it is still invisible to the naked eye. Deep below the bleak, barren surface new life is developing; warm, protected and coddled in the earth or the womb.That’s in nature, of course, but Yule is a time when you can start planning the manifestation of new beginnings of any kind as well. New beginnings need not be something new; it can be a continuation or expansion too. Maybe you’re looking to manifest financial security, health, and prosperity for yourself and your family, or perhaps you would like to find balance and harmony in life. New beginnings don’t have to be anything big or spectacular.

The Spirit Element

Also known as aether, the spirit element has been discussed and theorized about since ancient times. From intellectuals like Plato and Aristotle to Vedic philosophers, all acknowledged the existence of the aether or the spirit element. In some traditions, it’s considered the first element and in others the fifth.