The Magickal Properties of Chamomile

Chamomile is an ancient herb that was widely used by the early Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and it’s still as popular as ever. There’s evidence that it was also used for its healing properties in Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Celtic societies.. It was viewed as a sacred herb because it was mixed into embalming fluids and used to wash bodies before burial due to its scent and antibacterial properties.

When pressed, chamomile releases a strong, fragrant, and unmistakable scent that’s long-lasting. Throughout the Middle Ages, it was gathered in huge bunches and strewn on the floors of homes and public places. Walking over the plants served as an air freshener. It was often stuffed into, or under, mattresses and pillows and other bedding to refresh them. Chamomile was also planted around households for its scent. In addition, it was believed to promote the growth of other plants in the vicinity.

It’s a hardy plant that’s known as ‘the herb of humility’ because it keeps on giving, even when trod upon or bruised between stones or in a pestle and mortar. In some Christian traditions, people are encouraged to use chamomile when meditating to find humility or to forgive others for wrongs done to them. There’s an old English saying “chamomile shall teach the patience that rises best when trodden upon.” Chamomile is believed to be a gateway to self-knowledge and grace.

Medicinal Properties

Modern scientific research has proven many of the healing properties for which chamomile was used in the ancient world. There are two species of the plant, German chamomile and Roman, or English chamomile. They occur naturally in western Europe, western Asia, and India. Although it was introduced to the USA and Canada, chamomile has since escaped cultivation. It now grows wild in fields and along highways and fences and is considered a weed by some people. though there are two different species, they have very similar properties and get used in much the same way.

Research shows that chamomile can successfully treat mild stress and anxiety, gastrointestinal ailments, muscle spasms, mild infections, and topical and internal inflammation and skin conditions. It’s most commonly taken internally as a tea, but it can also be used in cordials, elixirs, and tinctures. For external use, chamomile can be mixed into balms, creams, compresses, poultices, and antiseptic infusions.

Lab studies have shown that chamomile can kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. It also has been proven to relax the contraction of smooth muscles found predominantly in the gastrointestinal tract.

Magickal Properties of Chamomile

Practitioners of the Craft didn’t need modern medical science to tell them how valuable chamomile is. It’s been used by witches, traditional healers, priests, and shamans for millennia. In almost all traditions, it’s associated with the sun, and the sun brings growth, good fortune, health, wealth, and general well-being. The sun also brings masculine energy, so strength, prosperity, and confidence are also associated with chamomile.

Chamomile was and still is used to attract all these elements into the home, and there are many ways that you can easily bring these properties into your everyday life.  

  • Chamomile flower tea

Today you can buy loose tea or tea bags at almost all health shops, pharmacies and even grocers. Check the packaging to make sure there are no other ingredients unless it’s a blend with another herb. If you grow your own plants, use the flowers only for tea. Chamomile tea is best taken before bed to ensure a good night’s sleep, free of nightmares.

  • In food

Chamomile flowers and young leaves go well in salads. You can also add them to any desserts including, ice cream and custard. Chamomile has a slight bitterness that pairs well with the sweetness.

  • Dream pillows

They’re easy to make, and you can blend chamomile with other herbs or flowers, such as lavender or rose petals for a night of better sleep, dream work, or to connect with someone in the next realm. You can add small crystals to dream pillows, as well as notes with intentions and desires, to strengthen their magickal properties.

  • Bath and hand wash

Apart from its antiseptic properties, chamomile can also be used in cleansing ritual baths. Add chamomile while running hot water into the bathtub to cleanse your aura and unblock or realign your solar plexus chakra. This is particularly helpful if you lack confidence or need courage and good luck – for example, if you’re going for a job interview or writing an exam.

You can also make a simple hand wash by putting chamomile plants in a pot of water and bringing it to a boil. Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool. Strain and use it in place of regular water when you wash your hands (and your face too). Do this too just before you do something that needs good fortune and the sun’s on your side; for example, making an offer to purchase, gambling, or selling something valuable.

  • Floor and surface cleaner

You can use chamomile water in place of regular water to clean your house. Use the same method as for a hand wash, just make it in larger quantities. A great idea is to decant some into a spray bottle and use it to clean all surfaces.

  • Plant chamomile

Chamomile is a hardy plant that thrives well indoors and outdoors. Plant it around your house to attract health and good fortune. Indoor pots are also excellent for growing chamomile.

Spell Craft

Chamomile can be incorporated into any spell to attract health, wealth, and prosperity as well as to improve self-confidence and self-esteem. Also, use it in any sun-related spell craft and rituals. You can use fresh or dried plants as well as essential oils and incense. Decorate your altar with chamomile flowers or for rituals, weave wreaths with the plants.

The correspondences that you use in your spells are more dependent on what your intentions are and what you want to achieve. In general, all correspondences that align with the sun will do well with chamomile. So, cat’s eye, sunstone, and tiger’s eye crystals combined with yellow candles and The Sun tarot card would do well in a spell for wealth, good luck, and improved self-confidence and self- esteem. Conversely, if you want to understand why you have low self-esteem, bring amethyst, bloodstone, and obsidian with black and blue candles and The Hermit tarot card into your spell.

If you’re using an open fire as part of a ritual, you can put whole chamomile plants on the fire if you can find them in abundance. Although chamomile is an annual, it self-sows, so if it grows in an area, it will come up next spring without you having to sow new seeds. Because of that, it’s not uncommon to find it covering large patches in gardens. Chamomile grows wild in the USA and Canada.

Chamomile Cordial made with Sun Water

The cordial is made separately from the sun water. The cordial will last for about a month in the fridge, and this recipe will yield about three cups. The sun water should get used within 24-hours.

What you’ll need:

For the cordial

  • 2 cups stevia powder


  • 1 ⅓ cups raw honey
  • 2 ⅔ cups water
  • 2 cups chamomile flowers (dried or fresh)

For the sun water

  • 8 cups of natural water* (or as much as you need for a day)
  •  A gold or yellow glass bowl or jug (cleansed)
  • A cat’s eye, sunstone, tiger’s eye, or clear quartz crystal (cleansed)

What you’ll do:

For the cordial

  • Combine the stevia or raw honey with the water in a saucepan and bring it to the boil
  • Stir well to dissolve the stevia or honey
  • Remove from the heat
  • Stir in the chamomile flowers
  • Cover with the lid and allow to cool
  • Place the mixture in the saucepan in the fridge for 48-hours
  • Strain out the flowers and keep the cordial in the fridge in a jar or container with a tight-fitting lid.

For the sun water

Do your preparation beforehand so that you can put it out at sunrise. (The night before is fine.)

  • Place the crystal in the container and fill it with water.
  • As you pour the water into the container, visualize what you desire.
  • Put the container in a place where it will be exposed to sunshine all day long.
  • If you’re putting it outside, make sure to cover it to keep the water clean.
  • Bring it in just before sunset.
  • Keep the sun water covered in your kitchen or pantry.
  • Dilute to taste with the chamomile cordial.
  • You can keep the crystal in the water, but don’t put it into your drinking glass or cup.
  • If you want a warm drink, you can warm the sun water in a saucepan or the microwave.

Ideally natural water could be taken from a stream or natural spring, but it’s best to buy natural water (in a glass bottle). Unfortunately, most natural water sources today contain pollutants that could be harmful.

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